Be sure to see what kind of science all the other great Poppin's Book Nook bloggers are doing:
Experiment with Kitchen Science and the Magic School Bus
I was really excited about this month's Poppin's Book Nook theme of "To the Laboratory" because we all know how much I love science! Surprisingly though, I did not select a super science-y book. Instead my kids picked up The Magic School Bus Gets Bakes in a Cake at the library, and I knew if we didn't use it for our "To the Kitchen" theme, it would be perfect for our "To the Laboratory" theme; after all the kitchens a laboratory we all have access to!
Obviously the book goes through some of the science of baking a cake, but it also touches on the most well known kitchen science experiment....vinegar and baking soda! I know my kids love making vinegar and baking soda eruptions (honestly, I do too).
The back of the book including another fun baking soda/ vinegar experiment that we decided to try. To start with you need a container of water with 3 teaspoons vinegar and 2 teaspoons of baking soda added. Then you add some salted peanuts and observe what happens.
Well let me tell you when we tried it not much happened. Our poor peanuts just flipped around on the top on the water rather then bobbing up and down like they were supposed to. I decided they were just too light and threw in some almonds along with more baking soda and vinegar (no measuring here; just poured some in). The almonds worked great! heavy enough to sink yet light enough to be lifted by the bubbles created from the vinegar/ baking soda reaction!
My kids were having such a good time with it we threw some raisins in too just to compare! Of course they kept adding more baking soda and vinegar as well.
In fact they wanted to keep adding baking soda and vinegar until we overflowed our container (definitely my kids). We grabbed a pan to hold some of the mess and then created the classic vinegar/ baking soda eruption! Which also turned out to be fun to play in!
Of course the subject of the book was baking a cake, so we made some cupcakes as well!
More Fun Kitchen Science Experiments!
More Simple Science Experiments of all types!
Be sure to see what kind of science all the other great Poppin's Book Nook bloggers are doing:
Enchanted Homeschooling Mom ~ 3 Dinosaurs ~ To the Moon and Back ~ Planet Smarty Pants ~ Farm Fresh Adventures ~ Growing in God's Grace ~ Chestnut Grove Academy ~ Learning and Growing the Piwi Way ~ The Usual Mayhem~ Preschool Powol Packets ~ Monsters Ed Homeschool Academy ~ Adventures in Mommydom ~ Teach Beside Me ~ Life with Moore Babies ~ Kathy's Cluttered Mind ~ Are We There Yet? ~ Our Crafts N Things ~ Hopkins Homeschool ~ ABC Creative Learning ~ Joy Focused Learning ~ P is for Preschooler ~ Laugh and Learn ~ A Mommy's Adventures ~ Inspiring 2 New Hampshire Children ~ World for Learning ~ Ever After in the Woods ~ Golden Grasses ~ A glimpse of our life ~ Journey to Excellence ~ Happy Little Homemaker ~ Little Homeschool Blessings ~ Raventhreads ~ Tots and Me ~ As We Walk Along The Road ~ Stir the Wonder ~ For This Season ~ Where Imagination Grows ~ Lextin Academy ~ The Canadian Homeschooler ~ School Time Snippets ~ Peakle Pie ~ A Moment in our World ~ Every Bed of Roses ~ Finchnwren ~ At Home Where Life Happens ~ The Library Adventure ~ Embracing Destiny ~ Day by Day in our World ~ Our Homeschool Studio ~ A "Peace" of Mind ~ Thou Shall Not Whine ~ SAHM I am ~ eLeMeNo-P Kids ~ Simple Living Mama