This was true about her birthday too. I know by three she will definitely have an opinion on what kind of party she wants, so this was it, the last birthday theme I would get to choose. And what a hard choice it was. So many cute options out there: unicorns, hot air balloons, and every book themed party ever!
Ultimately I had to choose something that fit her and was sweet at the same time. Since she is absolutely obsessed with her "squirrelly" (her lovey), and really just animals in general, I went with a woodland party theme.
At first, I was worried that this wasn't really a girly themed party; I ran into that when planning her Rockin' Dino Party last year. Luckily I found these adorable and girly "Into TWO the Wild" Invites!
Decorations for our Girly Woodland Party
So, I kept the decorations super cheap, but they were very, very time consuming (so worth it though).
My older kids and I cut up and painted a dozen egg cartons to create flowers. Yes, a dozen, 144 little flowers!
I strung the flowers on fishing line and hung them from actual branches. I have to say that these are so pretty to me that they are still up, over a month later!
I also raided my kid's overabundance of stuffed animals. I drug out anything that was remotely related to the forest and spread them around the house. Squirrels, rabbits, deer, we have them all.
A pale green tablecloth was the perfect background for the very colorful, floral napkins my now two-year-old chose. Yes, she already had an opinion, and exerted it on the napkins! We pulled the gold and navy out of the invitations for the plates and cups.
My daughter also wore an adorable deer headband that I made for her. If there is interest in a post on how to make one let me know in the comments!
Food for a Sweet Woodland Birthday Party
- Owl Vegetables
- Fruit Arrows
- Twigs (pretzels)
- Mixed Nuts
- Hedgehog Cheeseball
- Ants on a Log
Our Woodland Themed Birthday Cake
Simple Woodland Party Favors
I absolutely loved how this girly, woodland party came together, and of course, I am looking forward to next year even though she will have an opinion. I am hoping I can sway that opinion towards unicorns
...or hot air balloons
...or one of her favorite books at the time.