Ever since reading the entire Little House series aloud when my oldest was 5, they have loved Laura, Mary, and baby Carrie. My oldest loved Laura most though (she probably saw similarities in herself); she even had a Little House themed Birthday! This year, my oldest has become even more interested in the pioneer days of American History, and this Laura Ingalls doll from The Queen's Treasures is a great way to introduce the time period!
Luckily when the doll arrived the girls were still doing some school work, so I got to take a look at her first!
Features of the Laura Ingalls Doll
- Soft, loveable body
- Vinyl arms, legs that move at the shoulder and hip
- Vinyl head with eyes that open and close
- Soft hair in the classic Laura braids
- Freckles
Accessories included with the Laura Ingalls Doll
How did my kids like the Laura Ingalls Doll
They admired her braids, her doll, and of course, her freckles. In fact, they started looking at each other to see if they had any freckles.
The Laura doll also has an entire line of cute accessories made just for her. Of course, she has an old-fashioned, pioneer outfit you can buy that includes a dress with matching bonnet and apron, but you can also get her dog, horse, and even a covered wagon! To see the full line of accessories click HERE.
The Best Part of the Laura Ingalls Doll
My favorite part about this doll is that not only is she a book character, but she was a real person who lived an amazing life, and the Laura Ingalls doll is definitely a way to bring a piece of American history to life for your child! Find more information about Laura's life and the time period she lived in at Little House on the Prairie.
Someone will win the complete Laura Ingalls Doll Collection from The Queen's Treasures along with a complete Little House on the Prairie DVD Set! Enter below!