How to Create a Glow Stick Water Blob
Water Blobs are all over these days, and I have so been wanting to make one for at least a year! For some reason I had decided it was going be a major undertaking to actually produce one though. That is until I found this tutorial on Homemade Toast that used an iron! Within 30 minutes, I made a water blob right on my kitchen floor (it's tiled; I wouldn't have used it if it were wood or carpet)!
You would think I would have been happy with that, but I had to go a step further. I wanted it to extra special, so my kids could enjoy it while they watched Daddy shoot off fireworks that night! So I added glow sticks!
We actually tried two methods to add the glow sticks. My husband added the first package, unbroken, before the blob was sealed; then he was left to chase them around the blob and break them once it started getting dark. I chose to wait until the blob was full and it was getting dark out to break my glow sticks, cut a tiny hole to drop them in, and seal it with duct tape. My way was definitely faster!
You couldn't appreciate the glow sticks in the evening, but once it really started getting dark the blob was full of glowing color!
All the kids played on it on and off even during the fireworks. It did make a cool seat to watch from though!
The blob did spring a few small leaks resulting in wet PJ's, so swim suits would have been a good idea! Overnight most of the water leaked out, but our glow stick water blob did last most of a day, and it was tons of fun!