Well that turned into squirting each other and then dipping themselves in the water!
Water Sensory Bin Challenge
We're back with our third Sensory Bin Challenge! Previously we have played with rice and dirt, and this month we moved on to water! Like before I set out three bins with just water in them; I had considered using the pool or the water table, but to make it a real challenge I decided to keep it as similar to the others as possible. I did have to set some ground rules this month too like no stuffed animals or things with batteries.
The kids didn't play much with the water by itself like they did the rice and dirt.
Instead they were quick to add toys to mix! They actually went after bath toys and of course cars.
And like always they got bored playing alone and shoved all their bins together where they could share!
Now they were having a great time, but they were also being quite silly pretending to make their squirting animals pee. At least I knew where this was coming from, see that morning we found the tree frog in the cushion container on the porch (where we apparently find him every day now)! Well the frog peed on me today, so I guess that made an impression.
Well that turned into squirting each other and then dipping themselves in the water!
In the end we ended up with three wet kids, but at least they couldn't complain they were hot anymore!
Be sure to check out the experiences my fellow sensory bin challenge bloggers had this month!