The Letter V was surprisingly difficult to make a sensory bin with; it seemed like everything I could think of that started with a V was too large (veterinarian, vacuum). We ended up with a bin containing a Vest, a Vase, Vans, a card with a Vulture, V book, V magnet, and lots of foam V's. I considered putting vegetables in the bin, but decided not to because I figured he would just start naming the vegetables and carrot or broccoli definitely doesn't start with V!
How to Make a Letter V Sensory Bin
The Letter V was surprisingly difficult to make a sensory bin with; it seemed like everything I could think of that started with a V was too large (veterinarian, vacuum). We ended up with a bin containing a Vest, a Vase, Vans, a card with a Vulture, V book, V magnet, and lots of foam V's. I considered putting vegetables in the bin, but decided not to because I figured he would just start naming the vegetables and carrot or broccoli definitely doesn't start with V!
I also happened to run out of time finding things for this one too as we packed up and moved! Eli saw I had a few things thrown in a bin (literally thrown), and he grabbed it! I grabbed it back to organize it a little more for him (and snap a picture) and then let him dive in!
He was sooo excited to finally play with it. He especially loved zooming the vans around and trying to balance the foam V's on the vase! Of course he also wanted to read the book a few times!