Have you ever tried drawing on the light table? What kind of materials did you use?
Highlighter Drawing on the Light Table
Since moving we have been able to have our little Homemade Light Table out a lot more! This is very exciting for my little guy especially!
Have you ever tried drawing on the light table? What kind of materials did you use?
Unfortunately with a lot of things still packed we didn't have a whole lot to use with the light table. So I came up with this fun way to draw colorful pictures that seem to glow on the light table....Highlighters and Tracing Paper!
Since tracing paper is thin it lets the light through, and highlighters do the same except with color. I tried tissue paper first, and the highlighters just tore through it! Once we got the tracing paper out, all the kids were entertained for over an hour!
I guess they just loved to see the glowing affect the light table had on the pictures, and who can blame them! As a plus, it encouraged the little one to draw too; which allowed us to practice our pencil grip a bit more.
Have you ever tried drawing on the light table? What kind of materials did you use?