You know it was a good story time when your kid comes home with sensory snow!
Of course he only had a small cup and no recipe to make more. His grandma (who took him to story time; I didn't send him alone) said it was shaving cream and baking soda.
Easy enough, we could definitely make more!
Supplies for Indoor Fizzy Snow
I didn't measure anything just squirted in a bunch of shaving cream and stirred in baking soda until it was the consistency I wanted. I left it a little puffier then what we had from the library.
Nice and puffy with a cool feel from the shaving cream!
Eli started exploring it and quickly and decided he needed to add some cars.
Then the girls got involved and brought some of their little ponies.
After a good hour of squishing and digging and burying (and spilling), I decided it was time to clean up.
Adding Science to Sensory Fun
They were amazed by the colorful foam they got when they added the vinegar!
I really liked how much thicker the foam was with the addition of the shaving cream. It bubbled up and just stayed nice and foamy!
After all the vinegar was used I gave them a bowl of water to wash their toys. Surprisingly this was almost as much fun for them as the foam!
Who knew the fun that could come from sending your kids to story time!