You may remember our first experience with
marshmallows in a sensory bin; Eli loved it! Well this time we found some fun
star marshmallows, and we happened across a
star ice cube tray too
(Perfect because Eli's favorite shape right now seems to be stars)! Together I created a little star sensory bin!
I filled the star ice cube trays with colored water and a little glitter. Once they were frozen, we headed out to the water table. I filled it with about an inch of water and threw in the star ice cubes (which began melting immediately in the heat) and a bunch of the star marshmallows.
At first the girls complained the water was hot (which it was since it came out of the hose), but it quickly cooled down with the ice cubes melting in it. The water also quickly turned purple!
Once the ice was gone they enjoyed the marshmallows. Eli especially enjoyed squeezing them as hard as he could to squish them.
They threw them down the spiral and put them in the water wheel.
They squished, and scooped, and stirred, and squished some more. It was hard to get them away from it even though the marshmallows had turned to mush, and we had a pizza calling our names!