How to Make a Letter F Sensory Bin
This week we have been working on the letter F, so of course, Mr. Eli needed something too. We made him a Letter F Sensory Bin just like we did for the other letters. The girls were even nice enough to share a fairy for the bin. We also included some frogs, some fish, and a couple firetrucks! Like the other bins, he had several foam F's, a book about F, and a singing magnet with the letter F.
It is always interesting to see what object he prefers. Initially he tossed the stuffed frog to the side and started to examine the foam F's. We read the book and played the magnet a couple times, looked at the fish, vroomed the firetrucks, and then he decided he loved the frog. He doesn't seem to be able to say the sound for F well yet, but he was trying to say fish. It just comes out "ish." He really seems to enjoy having his own little activities!