This winter I have made multiple effort to freeze bubbles. All have FAILED! Well the most recent one wasn't a complete failure. I think the bubbles were starting to freeze, and I figured if they were cold to start with it would work. I shoved them in the fridge over night only to be met with a warmer day the next day! So freezing bubbles will have to wait again.
Bouncing Bubbles
This winter I have made multiple effort to freeze bubbles. All have FAILED! Well the most recent one wasn't a complete failure. I think the bubbles were starting to freeze, and I figured if they were cold to start with it would work. I shoved them in the fridge over night only to be met with a warmer day the next day! So freezing bubbles will have to wait again.
However, it wasn't a complete failure because we did get some bouncing bubbles out of the mix! The recipe I found online for touchable bubbles called for:
2 C bubble solution
1.5 C water
4 T corn syrup
4 T dish soap
This did NOT make touchable bubbles! I threw in 4 T of glycerin just to see what would happen, and they BOUNCE! They aren't as touchable as the touchable bubbles you buy in the store, but they bounce a lot better! They were actually hard to catch because they would bounce off your hand. Bria was able to catch a few while Eli were more concerned with popping them, and Nadia just wanted to watch for some reason.
If you are trying to catch them I would definitely wear gloves; they seem to stick a little better that way. And don't be discouraged if the first one or five bounce away!
It was a fun surprise from a failed experiment, and I will still be trying to freeze the bubbles as soon as the cold weather returns!