So with a change in plans, we had our own little New Year's Eve party for our own little family; with a special Balloon Countdown for the girls.
The countdown started at 6, and the girls were ready in their "party outfits." They also had little New year's crowns I had planned to take with us wherever we ended up.
How to Set Up a Balloon Countdown
- Balloons
- Sharpie
- Tape
- Activity Ideas written on slips of paper (feel free to use ours, or make up your own)
Start by rolling the slips of paper and sticking them into the balloons; then blow up the balloons! I had specific activities for specific times, so I wrote the time on the balloon as soon as it was blown up to prevent getting them mixed up.
Activities for our New Year's Balloon Countdown
Since this was last minute, I came up with stuff we already had that the kids would enjoy!
Balloon 1 (6:00): Play a game of Dixit

Balloon 2 (7:00): Watch the newest My Little Pony episode.
Balloon 3 (8:00): Help Daddy put together Lego sets.
Balloon 4 (9:00): Fireworks in a Jar. I had no idea how popular this would be especially at 9 pm, but we emptied and filled our jar 4 times!
The confetti backfired a little because once the girls could see stars inside, they both wanted to pop the balloon. So I made a second one, and at 11:00 we took a break from the movie and got stars all over the kitchen floor.
They patiently watched the ball drop, noisemakers held to their mouths, and at midnight they went crazy! Not too bad really, but we did get lots of noise.
Then they each tried some sparkling grape juice (which they still didn't care for), brushed their teeth, and went to bed.
Not what we had planned, but for me, it was the best New Year's Eve yet! Watching the kids with all the activities in their balloon countdown made for a really exciting and quick evening.