This past weekend the girls found a ribbon that had been wrapped around a gift and started dancing with it. That coupled with the upcoming summer Olympics made me want to make them some sort of ribbon wand. The only problem is I know if I used any kind of stick it would turn into sword fighting at some point. So I solved my problem with shower curtain rings!
Supplies for Patriotic Dancing Ribbons
2 things that's it! Well you will need scissors as well, and maybe a lighter if you want to melt the ends of your ribbon.
How to Make Dancing Ribbon Rings
First gather your supplies. I used a couple different ribbons in red, white, and blue, but you could definitely use a single ribbon or make them in different colors for other occasions. I used grosgrain ribbon because that is what I had on hand, but satin ribbon will knot tighter. If you want to use ribbon with wire; remove the wire first!
Now that you have your ribbon selected you need to cut the ribbon. You want to cut it to be twice as long as you want the finished product to be. So if you want a 2 foot tail, cut a 4 foot piece of ribbon.
Fold the ribbon approximately in half, and slip the folded part under the shower curtain ring.
Now take the free ends of the ribbon and put them through the folded loop you just made.This should form a loop around the shower curtain ring and will form your knot.
Pull those loose ends until your knot is tight around the shower curtain.
Now repeat until you have your desired number of ribbons on the loop. You can make them very full or only use a couple ribbons. Either way they are sure to be pretty as they twirl through the air.
If you want the ribbons to last longer take a lighter and just run the end of the ribbons through the flame quickly. This melts the ends together, so they don't fray.
All done! Watch your kiddos spin and twirl with the pretty ribbons flowing behind. They almost are like little fireworks trailing behind them. Such for Independence Day or any day!
And if you have a little extra time make your kiddos one for each hand! Or if they are very little, one fore each wrist!
They loved spinning with their Patriotic Ribbon Rings so much that I may even let them get a traditional ribbon wand, with a stick, at some point!
Need another idea for celebrating July 4th with your kids? Try these
Fireworks in a Jar!