Of course we also had to taste test the batter.
Then it came time to mix up the colors for the batter. Nadia said the way I had the bowls sitting the looked like a "bowl person." The girls chose pink, purple, blue, green, and yellow for our colors.
We took 1 tablespoon of each color and put it in each muffin cup (that had been sprayed with cooking spray). The girls were a little messy with this, and I think that is why we ended up with some weird edges on some of our sandwiches. Then we baked them at 350 degrees for 11 minutes, let them cool 5 minutes, and removed them from the pan to finish cooling.
We filled our sandwiches and put them in the refrigerator to solidify the filling a bit. We only ended up with about 4 sandwiches of each color when the recipe stated 6 of each if you used 5 colors. That always seems to happen though.
After a little while in the fridge we tried them! Bria started out just licking the filling out, and Nadia ate hers like a pony. They both really liked them though!
Here is the full recipe.
Cake ingredients: 1 white cake mix
1/3 C oil
1 1/4 C water
3 egg whites
Mix on low 30 seconds and then on medium 2 minutes. Divide between 5 bowls and color as desired. Place 1 level tablespoon in the center of each greased muffin cup. Bake at 350 degrees for 11-14 minutes. Allow to cool 5 minutes before removing from pan. Cool completely before filling.
Filling ingredients: 3/4 C butter, softened
1 1/2 C marshmallow fluff
1 1/4 C powdered sugar
Cream marshmallow fluff and butter. Add powdered sugar and mix until fluffy. The directions said to cut off the cupcake tops to use (because they are prettier I assume); we just used the whole thing. Place filling on flat side of cupcake and add another cupcake on top. Enjoy!